Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Being A Singer-beggar

By Yuli Widayanti – Intermediate One, NSC Sby Polytechnic

One of my hobbies is taking a role in a play. When I was in SMP Hang Tuah IV Sby., I joined ‘Bareta’, the school’s play club. It had some levels or grades: Pemula, Indra, and Madya. To be promoted to a higher grade, the students should get an examination.

When I had to get my promotion from Pemula to Indra, I was asked to act like a singer-beggar. It was a part of the examination or the test. I acted as a singer-beggar at Pasar Turi. I sang in front of four counters. I got money from two counters but not from the other two. We, the students, collected the money and gave it to some tramps.
I got some ‘lessons’ from pretending as a singer-beggar. First, I was happy to realize that I was able to do that. Second, I recognized that looking for money was not easy, and it made me spend my money more wisely.
It is a pity I could not finish my Indra grade because after finishing my SMP, I had to continue at an SMA of other institution. There was also a play club in my SMA but it was not as good as my former club. Therefore I didn’t join the club.
Then, I improved my skills in a play with the play club at my school, Unesa.

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