Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Difficult Words: because dan because of

.... because she likes drawing ...
because + subject + verb
because of + noun/noun phrase
due to + the fact that + subject + verb
due to + noun/noun clause
The flights were canceled because the weather conditions were bad. or
Because the weather conditions were bad, the flights were canceled.

The flights were canceled because of bad weather conditions. or
Because of bad weather conditions, the flights were canceled.

The flights were canceled due to the fact that the weather conditions were bad. or
The flights were canceled due to bad weather conditions.

We arrived late because the traffic was bad.
We arrived late because of the bad traffic.
We arrived late due to the fact that the traffic was bad.
We arrived late due to the bad traffic.

He could not play in the game because of his foot injury.
She did not buy it because the price was too high.
Because it is a national holiday, there will be no class tomorrow.
We could not sleep last night because of the noise next door.
Because of the storm warnings, we did not go out last night.
They went to the beach because it is cooler there.
She had to study because of her exam next week.

because of juga berarti ‘demi
He is working hard because of his family welfare. (Dia bekerja keras demi kesejahteraan keluarganya.)
I do these all because of you. (Aku mengerjakan semua ini demi kamu.)

By David Solafide

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