Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Life Is Very Short

By Shanti Ekavianti – SMAN 11 Jombang

In life, we often get things we don’t expect. They are sometimes very bitter. The following tragedy illustrates what I mean. Ganis Ari Prabowo, our classmate, was born on August 31. He intended to celebrate his seventeenth birthday. When he invited us to come to his party, he said that none of us was allowed to bring any presents but flowers. We thought it was only a joke.

Two weeks before he would celebrate his birthday, Ganis got a traffic accident. He hurt badly. After having hospitalized for some days, Ganis passed away. Life is very short that gives Ganis no chances to hold his seventeenth birthday. We realized what the flowers were for.
Although we let Ganis go, we feel that he is still among us. We also learn this: Life is very short, so we have to use every chance in our lives wisely.
Good bye Ganis, please rest in peace.

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