Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

A Long Trip

It was late at night. I was sleepy but I couldn’t close my eyes. I opened my diary. I wanted to write some words but I didn’t get any idea. Then, I opened your last letter, as if you were still beside me.
My dear Rara,
I am coming to Surabaya sooner to celebrate your seventeeth birthday. I’ll give you a surprise. Now you’ve grown up. I hope you can take care of yourself. I think Bandung – Surabaya is not too far. You must wait for my return, see you on your birthday.
Your lover, Prasetya

Then my fantasy was wandering to my birthday and reminded me of something when my friends were singing for me, “Happy Birthday to you.”
“Thanks every body,” I said to them.
“Go ahead, Rara. Let’s cut the cake!” they asked me to act.
“Alright,” I replied.
“So, Rara, how do you feel to be seventeen years old?” my father asked.
“I should be honest, Pa. I am very happy because I’ve grown up and maybe I am better now.”
They all laughed.
“I think, it’s the time to give Rara her birthday presents. May I start it?” you asked.
“Of course, honey. You’re the first,” I said.
“Rara, if you feel lonely, you can open this. Now, open it. I think you’ll love it,” you said.
“A cassette. Thanks, Pras.” I shouted gratefully.
After meeting my friends, I escaped with you to the park in front of my house. I was really upset when you told me that you had to go back to Bandung right away,
“It is okay, honey. If you cannot stay here any longer, I cannot compel you but I’ll give you a ticket. You have to go by plane,” I broke the silence between us.
“No. No, honey,” you refused my offer. “I’ll go by bus. I’ll enjoy my long trip. So, I should say good bye now. I’ll miss you. And, …. Rara ……”
“I love you.”

I was very shocked when I got the news that the bus you were in fell down into a valley. You left the world in terrible condition. I couldn’t believe it. My tears dropped unconciously.
Oh, was it your long trip? I still keep the cassette you gave me. And the love song by Andi Williams had a special memory. We sang the song together in my party.
Oh, God, I cannot understand why Thee called him so fast. I cannot forget him, because I do love him. I find it difficult to accept the reality.

By Enik Sumintarsih – Dept. of Hotel and Tourism, NSC Surabaya Polytechnic

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