Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Motivation To Study English

By Reny Widya Lestari – Dept. of Secretary and Management, NSC Sby Polytechnic

Every student has his own motivation and reason to study English. I was not so enthusiastic about studying English when I was in junior and senior high schools. I thought studying English was a dull activity, because English was too hard to learn.

After finishing my senior high school, I got a boy friend. He worked in a hotel, that’s why he spoke English quite well. He usually spoke in English with his friends. Anytime they spoke in English, I was not able to take part in their discussion. I was shy and somewhat angry with myself.

Then, I took a ‘great decision’: starting studying English in a course. My boyfriend didn’t know it, because I did it secretly.
One day, after having a nice class I wanted to go home by bemo as usual. I waited for the bemo in front of a hotel. Suddenly a boy came out of the hotel, he was my boy friend. I was afraid that he would know I was taking an English course, so I directly got on the bemo which stopped in front of me. It was a wrong bemo. I had to go to Kertajaya, but the bemo went to Jembatan Merah.
The next day, my boy friend asked me whether I was angry to see him working in that hotel (it was not a five-starred hotel). Of course, I said no, but I didn’t tell him the truth that I took an English course.
So, having a boy friend can motivate me to study English.

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