Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Bahasa Inggris itu Gampang (29)

The more they practice the more skillful they will be
Cara untuk membandingkan sesuatu dengan yang lain terbagi dalam tiga tingkat perbandingan (degrees of comparison), yaitu:
a. positive degree = tingkat perbandingan sama
b. comparative degree = tingkat perbandingan lebih
c. superlative degree = tingkat perbandingan paling

Pembahasan 29:
She is two years older than I am.

Comparative degree, untuk membandingkan satu hal yang lebih daripada yang lain, kita menggunakan empat cara:
1. adjective + er + than
2. adverb + er + than
3. more + adjective + than
4. more + adverb + than

1. adjective + er + than
a. older, younger, lower, cheaper, deeper, higher, ….
b. bigger, fatter, hotter, slimmer, dimmer, ……
c. wiser, wider, closer, …….
d. easier, tastier, crazier, lazier, earlier, …….
e. good ==> better, bad ==> worse
f. farther = lebih jauh (jarak), further = lebih jauh (informasi, dll)

Maria is two years older than I (am).
This book is cheaper than that one.
You look slimmer today than usual.
We had to wait for him longer than we expected.
Her house is bigger than mine.

2. adverb + er + than
a. faster, harder, sooner, later
b. well ==> better

Jane drives faster than I do.
She arrived sooner than we expected.
He speaks English better than his brother (does).
We finished the report later than we had to.

3. more + adjective + than
a. handsome, patient, useful
b. beautiful, expensive, important, accurate

Today, you are more handsome than usual.
She is now more patient than she used to be.
When she grows, she will be more beautiful than her sister.

3. more + adverb + than
a. beautifully, accurately, patiently, ……

She sings more beautifully than she plays.
He typed the letter more accurately than I did.

Ungkapan yang juga menggunakan comparative degree:
the sooner the better = lebih cepat lebih baik
the richer someone is the greedier he becomes = semakin kaya seseorang semakin dia menjadi serakah
the older someone is the wiser he becomes = semakin tua seseorang semakin dia menjadi bijaksana
the more intelligent you are the more humble you should be = semakin pandai engkau semakin engkau harus rendah hati
the more polite you are the more people respect you = semakin kamu sopan semakin orang menghormati kamu

Yuk latihan: Katakan kalimat-kalimat berikut dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan menggunakan comparative degree of comparison.
1. John lebih tinggi daripada adiknya.
2. Jalan ini lebih lebar daripada Broadway.
3. Saya akan tiba lebih cepat daripada dia.
4. Saya biasanya bangun lebih pagi daripada orang tua saya.
5. Kami mengunjungi mereka lebih sering daripada mereka mengunjungi kami.
6. James tidak seumur John. James lebih tua dua tahun daripada John.
7. Dia bicara bahasa Inggris lebih baik daripada adiknya.
8. Dia seharusnya belajar lebih keras daripada yang telah dia lakukan.
9. Helen lebih cerdas daripada yang saya kira.
10. Semakin kaya dia semakin dia sombong.

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