Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Bahasa Inggris itu Gampang (30)

Mount Everest
Cara untuk membandingkan sesuatu dengan yang lain terbagi dalam tiga tingkat perbandingan (degrees of comparison), yaitu:
a. positive degree = tingkat perbandingan sama
b. comparative degree = tingkat perbandingan lebih
c. superlative degree = tingkat perbandingan paling

Pembahasan 30:
She is the best student in our class.

Superlative degree (untuk membandingkan satu hal yang paling ….. daripada yang lain) menggunakan empat cara:
1. the + adjective + est
2. the + adverb + est
3. the most + adjective
4. the most + adverb

1. the + adjective + est
a. oldest, youngest, lowest, cheapest, deepest, highest, longest, ….
b. biggest, fattest, hottest, slimmest, ……
c. wisest, widest, closest, …….
d. easiest, tastiest, craziest, laziest, earliest, …….
e. good ==> best, bad ==> worst

Maria is the oldest girl in our class.
This is the cheapest book that I’ve ever bought.
Can you show me the easiest way to learn English?
Last night was the longest night in my life.
Her house is the biggest one in our neighborhood.

2. the + adverb + est
a. fastest, hardest, latest
b. well ==> best

Jack drove the fastest in the race.
She studies the hardest of all the students in her class.
Anton speaks English well, but Billy speaks English better than Anton does, and Charles speaks English the best of them all.
Among his siblings, Don always comes home the latest every evening.

3. the most + adjective
a. handsome, patient, useful, …..
b. beautiful, expensive, important, accurate, ……

He is the most patient man I’ve ever met.
The most important thing in learning English is practice.
This is the most expensive pair of shoes in this store.

3. the most + adverb
a. beautifully, accurately, patiently, ……

She sang the most beautifully in the party.
He typed the most accurately of all his colleagues.

Yuk latihan: Katakan kalimat-kalimat berikut dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan menggunakan superlative degree of comparison.
1. John adalah cowok paling tinggi di kelas kami.
2. Jembatan Suramadu adalah jembatan terpanjang di Indonesia.
3. Saya tiba paling awal di pesta itu kemarin malam.
4. Mary berbicara bahasa Inggris paling bagus di antara semua teman sekelasnya.
5. Gunung Everest adalah gunung tertinggi di dunia.
6. James adalah pria paling rajin yang pernah saya kenal.
7. Tokyo adalah kota paling sibuk di Jepang.
8. Ini adalah pengalaman paling menarik yang pernah saya miliki.
9. Helen berteriak paling nyaring di pesta itu minggu yang lalu.
10. Cara paling mudah untuk menguasai bahasa Inggris adalah latihan.

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