Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Vocabulary: Connectors (2)

Ada 4 macam connector (kata penghubung):
a. parallel structure
b. condition connectors
c. purpose connectors
d. cause connectors



     despite, in spite of
     although, even though, though
despite, in spite of

despite  +  noun phrase
despite of  + noun phrase

Despite the delay, we arrived on time.
We arrived on time despite the delay.
In spite of the delay, we arrived on time.

although, even though, though

although  +  subject  +  verb  +  compliment
even though  +  subject  +  verb  +  compliment
though  +  subject  +  verb  +  compliment

Even though she had a bad cold, she went to class.
(Inspite of her bad cold, she went to class)
(Despite the fact that she had a bad cold, she went to class.)
Although it was raining, we decided to go out.
(Inspite of the rain, we decided to go out.)
(Despite the rain, we decided to go out)
(Despite the fact that it was raining, we decided to go out.)
She passed the test, though she had not studied last night.

Exercise: Choose the correct form from the parentheses:

   1.   (Despite/Although) the history of the United States is not long, it is interesting.
   2.   (In spite of/Even though) it was cloudy, the photos came out fine.
   3.   (Although/In spite of) John is only seventeen, he has entered college.
   4.   People are going to the movie again (although/despite) the high prices.
   5.   (Despite/Though) he had a good night’s sleep, he felt tired.
   6.   (In spite of/Although) his poor English, he managed to communicate his problem very clearly.
   7.   Tuition fees were increased (despite/although) many objections from students.
   8.   (Although/In spite of) Mary had lived in New York all her life, she had never visited the Statue of Liberty.

Compare your answer to the Answer to Connectors (2)

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