Jumat, 12 November 2010

Check It – (1) b – Preposisi Yang Tak Perlu

Seperti article, preposisi adalah kata-kata yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun) dengan kata-kata lain. Bagian berikut ini menunjukkan pengulangan preposisi yang tak perlu.

1. Penggunaan preposisi yang tak perlu setelah kata kerja transitif
Transitive verb memerlukan obyek tanpa bantuan preposisi.

SALAH: She has not answered to his question.
BENAR: She has not answered his question.

Contoh lain:
He is approaching that house.
The English test comprises five sections.
That pretty lady married an ugly man.
Some political leaders are discussing the economic problems facing the nation.
The government kept emphasizing the importance of productivity.
He demanded an hour rest.

Perlu diperhatikan bahwa banyak kata kerja dapat digunakan sebagai kata benda, dalam hal demikian diperlukan preposisi yang sesuai.
Nobody knows the answer to that question.
Too much emphasis on school performance may give rise to unthinkable consequences.

2. Preposisi yang tak perlu untuk frasa keterangan
Tidak diperlukan preposisi untuk frasa keterangan.

SALAH: We had a meeting in this afternoon.
BENAR: We had a meeting this afternoon.

The children get up early every morning.
When did you get up this morning?
I am seeing someone next week.

Tetapi dengan the, diperlukan preposisi in.
I work best in the morning.
Students go over their lessons in the evening.
He will be back in the afternoon.

3. Pengulangan preposisi yang tak perlu
Ketika dua preposisi memiliki makna yang serupa, cukup digunakan salah satunya.

SALAH: We had an argument concerning about money.
BENAR: We had an argument concerning money.

Contoh lain:
Regarding the library books which are overdue, will you return them as soon as possible?

Preposisi ganda seperti yang tertera di atas, seharusnya tidak dikacaukan dengan rangkaian preposisi seperti: in regard to, as regards, with reference to, dll.

4. Preposisi yang tak perlu untuk kata kerja sebagai lawan dari “verb + preposition”

Sangat sering, sebuah kata kerja dengan sebuah ‘verb + preposision’ berbeda dalam makna.

SALAH: Do you believe in me? (meaning do you have faith in me?)
BENAR: Do you believe me? (meaning do you believe what I’ve said is true?)

Bandingkan kalimat-kalimat berikut.
He grasped the sword.
He grasped at the sword.

Have you heard the news?
Have you heard of AIDS?
Have you read ‘Tom Sawyer’?
Have you read about Mark Twain?

Namun, beberapa kata kerja dan ‘verb + preposition’ memiliki makna yang sama.
All strive to attain perfection.
All strive to attain to perfection.
Would you like to join the game?
Would you like to join in the game?

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