Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Short Story: A Gorgeous Stranger

[ed - This entry is one of the Top 12 Popular Vote Finalists for English Language Entries]

Dressed in navy business attire, Jen walked into the restaurant to meet Peter for lunch. They’d been dating since he began working in the bank where she was an assistant manager. Standing tall at 180 cm, Peter looked charming with his warm smile and smart brown eyes. She wasn’t madly in love with him, but she was quite content with their relationship.

She looked around but Peter was no where to be seen. And then suddenly, there … in the 2-o’clock direction, she saw the most handsome man she had ever laid her eyes on. She felt her heart skipped a beat .. (or maybe ten??) She knew she’d always had a thing for older guys, but this one was exceptionally… gorgeous. She had a hard time finding a word to describe him. Wearing an elegant black business suit and a serious expression, he was reading some documents. The strands of gray hair on his temple only made him look somehow even more desirable.
Jen didn’t realize she’d been standing there frozen staring at him until suddenly, as if he knew he was being watched, the man looked up and their eyes met …. And surprisingly, he smiled at her and Jen could feel a rush of heat that crept from her toes to the tip of her hair.
Feeling really embarrassed for getting caught staring at him, Jen was about to escape to the ladies’ room when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Hi honey, sorry I’m late. The meeting took a little bit longer than expected. Are you okay? You looked … flushed.” Peter said while bending over to give her a little peck on her cheek.
“Yes … Yes, I am. Don’t worry. Let’s get our table,” feeling startled and a little sad about the distraction Jen said.
“Well … I have a nice surprise for you,” Peter said while leading her to the table where the older guy was seated. “Please meet my father, Garry. He is attending a seminar here and will be staying with me for a week.”

By starl1ght79, on September 22nd, 2010
This posting is published on Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2010

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