Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Difficult Words: Also, Too, So, Either, Neither

also dan too dipakai untuk mengatakan ‘juga’ dalam kalimat positif.
letaknya too di akhir kalimat, sedangkan letaknya also adalah:
++ sesudah to be = They are also happy.
++ sebelum verb = We also want to change the world.
++ sebelum main verb = He will also join us
I am a student. He is a student too. He is also a student.
I study English. He studies English too. He also studies English.
I can speak Japanese. He can speak Japanese too. He can also speak Japanese.
Jane has lived here for many years. John has lived here for many years too. John has also lived here for many years.

untuk menggabung dan menyingkat dua kalimat positif, digunakan so
John is handsome and Jack is handsome too.
John is handsome and Jack is too.
John is handsome and so is Jack.
He comes to school by motorcycle and I come to school by motorcycle too.
He comes to school by motorcycle and I do too.
He comes to school by motorcycle and so do I.
They came late and we came late too.
They came late and we did too.
They came late and so did we.
She will go tomorrow and they will go tomorrow too.
She will go tomorrow and they will too.
She will go tomorrow and so will they.

either dipakai untuk mengatakan ‘juga’ dalam kalimat negatif.
letaknya either di akhir kalimat.
I am not a teacher. He is not a teacher either.
She doesn’t speak Japanese. I don’t speak Japanese either.
You cannot swim. I cannot swim either.
Jack hasn’t come. John hasn’t come either.

Untuk menggabung dan menyingkat dua kalimat negatif, digunakan neither.
Bram isn’t tall and Bill isn’t tall either.
Bram isn’t tall and Bill isn’t either.
Bram isn’t tall and neither is Bill.
Jim doesn’t go out tonight and Henry doesn’t go out tonight either.
Jim doesn’t go out tonight and Henry doesn’t either.
Jim doesn’t go out tonight and neither does Henry.
Jeanny didn’t come to class late today and Grace didn’t come to class late either.
Jeanny didn’t come to class late today and Grace didn’t either.
Jeanny didn’t come to class late today and neither did Grace.
My brother hasn’t seen the movie and I haven’t seen the movie either.
My brother hasn’t seen the movie and I haven’t either.
My brother hasn’t seen the movie and neither have I.

Untuk menggabung dan menyingkat kalimat negatif dan kalimat positif, digunakan kata penghubung ‘but
She isn’t from Jakarta but John is.
He doesn’t go to work by car but Dessy does.
They didn’t come late but we did.
He cannot swim but she can.
We haven’t lived here for a long time but they have.

He is rich but I am not.
He goes out of town once a week but his wife doesn’t.
They will go next week but I won’t.
She can swim but he can’t.
They have lived here for a long time but we haven’t.

By David Solafide

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