Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

After The Night Had Gone

By Ahmad Farid – Intermediate One, NSC Surabaya Polytechnic

Somad and Rahmat were close friends. Both of them had succeeded entering the corps of Army and been situated in a suburb of Tuban. They had to leave their beloved town, Surabaya. After duty hours, they usually walked down town every evening.
One Sunday morning, Rahmat asked Somad to accompany him to go to a village not too far from their domicile. People said the village had beautiful views.
Unfortunately, Somad had something to do so that Rahmat decided to go there alone. After breakfast, he rode his motorcycle to the village. He enjoyed the views very much.
The sun was right over the head as he stopped his motorcycle and sat under a tree to take a rest. The wind was blowing so fresh that made him fall asleep.
It was dark when Rahmat was awaken by a fragrant smell. He was starlet and impressed. A very beautiful girl stood before him.
“Who are you?” asked Rahmat to make sure.
“I’m a villager. I saw you sleeping here,” she explained in a soft voice.
Then they became aquainted. Her name was Asih. She took Rahmat to her house. She told him that she lived by herself. Her parents died in an accident. She was their only child. Rahmat was so sorry to hear that.
They both seemed to like each other. They then made an appointment to meet again the following nights. Rahmat started to love her.
One morning, for he was free of duty, Rahmat went to visit his angel. To his surprise, he jast saw an old woman there.
“You must have got lost, young man,” said the old woman. “This is a cemetery. There are only tombs here, the only house is mine. I take care of this cemetery.
Rahmat was very much confused. Though he was sure it was the place he had met and talked with Asih, he did not say anything but went home.
When the came, he met Asih as usual. Her beauty made him forget his experience with the old woman. Then he took her to see his best friend, Somad.
Somad was so surprised when he was shaking Asih’s hand. His sense, after learning for a long time in pondok pesantren, alarmed him about something.
Rahmat gave a ring to Asih. The pretty girl waa so happy, but suddenly she looked very sad.
“Tell him the truth, Asih,” Somad said all of sudden. Asih looked at Somad and was surprised. “You know you can do that,” Somad insisted.
“What do you mean, Somad?” asked Rahmat.
“He is right, Rahmat,” Asih said. “I’ve told you a lie.”
“What?!” Rahmat did not understand.
“Here’s the ring,” she gave the ring back to Rahmat sadly. “But I’ll take care our love until the promised day comes. Thank you for loving me.”
And Asih disappeared without giving Rahmat a chance to speak.
“Rahmat,” Somad tapped Rahmat on the shoulder. “It’s been dawn. Let’s take subuh prayer.”

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