Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Experience: Getting A Traffic Accident

It was Saturday, January 29, 2011. I had to go to a friend’s house at Citraland to celebrate his birthday. Another friend and I would go there but we decided to have dinner at PTC, first. When we were at PTC, both of us thought that at 7 p.m. we would have dinner in the birthday party. So, we decided not to eat much.

After that, my friend and I took a walk for a few minutes just for refreshing and killing the time. Suddenly we realized that we had only 30 minutes before the party would be started. 
My friend and I went in a hurry, he drove the car so fast. Then, something bad happened. The car crashed a tree and rolled upside down. My friend and I went out from the car to look for some help. Finally, I was able to get out from the car but my hand was bleeding. The police took us to the house where the party was held that’s my friend’s house to give some medicine at my bleeding hand. After that, I felt so relief because everything was alright.
This a good lesson for us to manage our time wisely and this is the scary thing that I will never forget.

Christian L., SMPK Dharma Mulia – Sby

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